Young woman smiling sitting at a table using her laptop

Our Mission is To Transform Mental Health Care

We are committed to delivering disruptive, patient- and clinician-focused solutions that enable better diagnosis and treatment accuracy and improve brain and behavioral health for all.

Explore Our Solutions

Trayt Solutions

Comorbidities Are the Rule, Not the Exception

Founder Malekeh Amini and Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder Dr. Carl Feinstein united around a singular commitment: To reinvent the approach to neuropsychiatric care in a way that recognizes the complexity of symptoms and comorbidities. Armed with decades of clinical and operational healthcare experience, they redesigned the entire model to provide a more holistic view of the patient and deliver better decision tools for clinicians.  

Following three years of data validation with some of the most prestigious clinical research institutions in the country, Trayt.Health launched in late 2019 with a robust multifactorial data platform and proprietary assessment algorithms, patient-facing applications for data collection, and clinical collaboration tools to improve individual and population health outcomes. 

Our Values

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Confident but never arrogant; always learning, always improving.

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Every individual is unique, and these differences are accepted, embraced, and valued.

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We operate from a place of empathy, kindness, and concern for others, and we desire to help and contribute.

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Individuals are responsible for their own actions and choices. We always strive to do our best, in times of challenge as well as opportunity.

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We believe in trust and collaboration, knowing that open communication is critical to how we connect and contribute both personally and professionally.

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Not change for change’s sake, but continuous improvement in persistent pursuit of our mission and the intention to deliver excellence.

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We support and hold each other accountable for balancing and prioritizing well-being in our daily practices.

Meet Our Team

Join Our Team

We are a team of clinicians, scientists, engineers, innovators, and entrepreneurs who believe in science-led technology, mission-driven purpose, and people-centered design. We are constantly innovating and persistently learning and improving.

We are constantly growing and always looking for great talent.

Careers at Trayt